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:: Monday, June 02, 2003 ::

I am in touch with the new administrator from the school system who wants to meet with me about homeschooling plans for next year. AAAAAaargh! I have thought about it, but don't have a written plan I like yet. I think I need to call and get support from other homeschoolers.
:: Yogishan 1:14 PM [+] ::
It was a tough day on the planet. Legal wranglings, corporate negotiations. Not pretty.

I read Hari Kaur Khalsa's book on yoga, especially about health practices for women and kundalini. So I have been practicing kriyas from the books I have. I hope to hear from her and take classes. We went to the closing ceremony of the BKS Iyengar Yoga Center for Patricia's sake, and it was nice to be a part of. This area has so many yoga resources. I spoke to Chip H. at a chanting event on Saturday night. He wrote a new sutra translation, with a Buddhist bent. I should order it and read it. He is a nice and interesting person. The chanting was amazing-I loved it.
:: Yogishan 1:05 PM [+] ::
It was a tough day on the planet. Legal wranglings, corporate negotiations. Not pretty.

I read Hari Kaur Khalsa's book on yoga, especially about health practices for women and kundalini. So I have been practicing kriyas from the books I have. I hope to hear from her and take classes. We went to the closing ceremony of the BKS Iyengar Yoga Center for Patricia's sake, and it was nice to be a part of. This area has so many yoga resources. I spoke to Chip H. at a chanting event on Saturday night. He wrote a new sutra translation, with a Buddhist bent. I should order it and read it. He is a nice and interesting person. The chanting was amazing-I loved it.
:: Yogishan 1:05 PM [+] ::

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